Herbal Medicine by Klayr Hunter

Klayr Hunter Medical Herbalist

Klayr Hunter Medical Herbalist

Herbal Medicine is our oldest form of medicine and has been practised world-wide over many thousands of years.   Plants and humans have evolved together over millennia and nature has provided us with gentle, safe medicines which are perfectly adapted to our physiology.

Herbal remedies can be used for a wide range of health conditions without the side-effects of conventional medicine.  Plants contain a vast array of chemicals which interact with our body’s biochemistry to initiate healing.  Herbalists use whole-plant extracts rather than isolated plant chemicals and it is this delicate interplay of phytochemicals that enhance the therapeutic value of individual constituents.  This synergistic effect accounts for the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

There are many plants recorded for medicinal use.  They can be used fresh or dried and administrated in a number of ways including teas, decoctions, tinctures, powders, tablets, capsules, oils, creams, ointments, plasters, suppositories and pessaries.  Different parts of the plant contain different chemicals and it is important to know which part (flowers, berries, leaves, bark or root) to use.

Care needs to be taken for those who are pregnant, breast feeding, children, the elderly or on prescription medication.  A qualified Medical Herbalist is trained to understand the therapeutics behind individual herbs and their appropriate use in different circumstances.

Herbal medicines can be given for most of the common conditions you would take to your GP such as:

Insomnia, stress, anxiety anddepression

Headaches and migraines

Poor immunity and recurrent infections

Allergies, asthma and hayfever

High blood pressure, cholesterol and circulatory disorders

IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems

Rheumatism and arthritis

PMT, endometriosis, PCOS, menopause and other hormonal imbalances

Eczema, psoriasis and skin conditions

What to expect from a consultation?

An initial consultation last around 45 minutes and costs £35.  Your practitioner will take a detailed case history asking questions about your presenting complaint, current medications, allergies and past medical history.  They will also run through a full medical review and family history.  Your pulse and blood pressure will be checked and if necessary a short physical examination may take place.  After considering your symptom profile and individual circumstances your herbalist will create a unique prescription tailored to you.  Prescriptions are generally given in the form of liquid tinctures but other preparations are also used.  Please allow 15-20 minutes after your appointment for your prescription to be dispensed.  Prescription costs are not included in your consultation fee.

You will usually be asked to return to clinic for a follow-up consultation 2-4 weeks later to assess your progress.  This provides an opportunity to make alterations to your prescription as your symptoms change and for more medicine to be dispensed.  A repeat consultation lasts around 30 minutes and will cost £28.

Klayr runs a low-income clinic for students, the elderly and those on government benefits.  An initial low-income consultation lasts 30 minutes and costs £15.  A repeat low-income consultation lasts 15 minutes and costs £7.  10% is taken off prescription charges.   Please bring proof of low-income to your initial consultation.

About Klayr

Klayr grew up on the hebridean island of Tiree before moving to Glasgow to study a degree in Physiology and then Herbal Medicine.  Her interest in herbal medicine began when she met herbalist Jacqui Hazzard in 1996 and was inspired to pursue a career in plant medicine.

Klayr undertook work experience with Napier’s when she was 15 and decided she would love to train and work as a herbalist within the company.  During her studies she worked for Napier’s as a shop assistant and dispenser the later as assistant manager.  Napier’s sponsorship allowed her to take part in a unique apprenticeship which has been invaluable to both herself and the customers she has advised.

Klayr gained a BSc Physiology from Glasgow University in 2003 and a BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine from Edinburgh Napier University in 2009.  She is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH), is fully insured to practice and has a Disclosure Scotland.

The Natural Fertility Centre (NFC)

Klayr is part of The Natural Fertility Centre specialising in helping couples and women conceive.  The NFC has a close team of practitioners who work together to maximise conception chances.  Please see www.thenaturalfertilitycentre.com for more information.

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