Hayfever Help from our Nutritionist Tara Inchbald Holt

Whilst some are feeling a spring in their step as a long, cold, wet winter draws to an end, others are approaching the warmer months with dread and foreboding.  Why?  Well I will tell you; Hay fever, this problematic condition ranges from a little snuffle in some, through to being virtually bedridden in others.

The good news is – HELP IS AT HAND

Alternative treatments are often considerably more effective than their orthodox counterparts in the treatment of conditions such as this.

Nutrition, which is my speciality, deals with the route cause of the problem – namely why is your body reacting so badly to pollen.   Pollen has been around for millennia, indeed so has Hay fever, however, it appears to be a recent phenomena that so many more people are suffering from, compared to those in bygone days.  The main reason, I believe, for this is that we are not as healthy as our forbears; immune systems are weaker and therefore they react to foreign bodies such as pollen’s and food’s in an undesirable way.

I have helped many people with Hay fever, they too are now smiling and leaping at the prospect of winter’s end and spring’s beginning.

For a Personal Hayfever Plan or if you would like more details, please do just ask.

Tara Inchbald Holt D N Med, D Clin Herb, D Iridol NLP




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